Skull, gouache (SOLD)

Learn about how the art is made.

  • Block printing or linocut is a method of relief printing where an image is carved into a block made of various materials (linoleum, rubber, wood). Once carved, the surface is then rolled with ink and a paper is laid over the block. Pressure is applied to transfer the ink onto the paper and the result is a hand pulled, one of a kind piece of art! All prints, ornaments, and other printed items (earrings, shirts, bags) on this site are individually hand pulled from original designs drawn and carved by Kimberly.

  • Needle felting is a method of felt making where loose wool (called roving) is turned into felt through a process of repeated stabbing with a specially designed needle. The resulting fabric or object is a soft but solid felt creation. Needle felting can take anywhere from a few minutes to many hours to complete depending on the size and complexity of the project. For her felted projects, Kimberly uses almost exclusively sheep’s wool, predyed from her suppliers.

  • Kimberly does a small amount of commissioned work each year. If you have a project in mind you would like to discuss with Kimberly, please reach out via the contact form.

    Helpful information to prepare beforehand includes: WHEN do you need the piece by? WHAT medium would you like it created in? HOW MANY items are you looking for (like 10 copies of a print or 10 sets of earrings, etc.)? HOW LARGE would you like the piece to be? WHERE will the finished item be shipped or delivered to? (Deliveries can only be made locally and by prior arrangment with the artist). It is also helpful to have reference images either of the subject or as examples of what you are looking for. Edits to the design are only possible in the early stages of design and more than 2 redesigns will result in additional cost.

    Depending on availability and feasibility, Kimberly will then quote a price and arrangements can be made for a schedule for completion and payment.

Have Questions?

If you have questions or are interested in discussing special delivery options or commissions, please reach out via the contact form here. We will get back to you as soon as possible!